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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts of the system and expound.

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123/A, Miranda City Likaoli Prikano, Dope United States

+0989 7876 9865 9


Body & Hair Care

SPA LINE — a series of hair and body care products.

SPA LINE — a line of professional products for body and hair care based on peptides was created taking into account current trends and the latest innovative solutions in the field of SPA-cosmetology. The products of the SPA LINE series include peptides of vessels, cartilage and thymus, the bioantioxidant complex Neovitin ® and the bioflavolipid complex Activitin.

The advantage of the peptides included in the formula of SPA LINE products is that they equally effectively affect the skin and hair not only in usual conditions, but also in critical ones. This means that they successfully “work” in any, even in the most aggressive conditions! They play an extremely important role in restoring the full functioning of cells, in addition, they can boast of high antioxidant activity. And still highly active peptides are excellent conductors of active substances from cosmetics to skin cells and hair follicles — by transmitting appropriate signals to cells, they trigger the processes of their speedy recovery.

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