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Cytomaxes linguals

Cytomaxes linguals — bioregulators based on natural peptides in sublingual form of application

In early 2020, as part of expanding cooperation with the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, Peptides presents an exclusive development — monopeptides in sublingual form of application. The new line includes peptides of the Cytomax class (21 prepararions) in sublingual monopeptides. In them, the daily dose is reduced by 2 times in comparison with encapsulated monopreparations of the “Cytomaxes” classes. This is due to the new form of application of bioregulators, since it provides a higher bioavailability of the drug and the speed of its action.

The Cytomax class preparations contain natural peptides, each of which has an effect on a specific organ or organ system. Natural peptides are highly bioavailable and have a mild effect on the problem, regulating the general condition of a person.

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